OHIS är mycket glada och stolta att kunna bekräfta att Penny Summerfield, Professor of Modern History at University of Manchester, kommer att medverka som en av våra talare på konferensen Oral History i Sverige i höst.
När hennes bok Reconstructing Women's Wartime Lives: Discourse and Subjectivity in Oral Histories of the Second World War publicerades 2000 skrev Biography: "Penny Summerfield's fascinating book on women's lives during the second world war will stimulate and provoke questions for researchers from a range of disciplines. It raises complex methodological issues about the use of life histories; it challenges us to think again about historical accounts (including her own) of the effects of the second world war on women; and it draws attention to the ways in which historical subjectivities, both individual and collective, are produced."
Vi har fler spännande och viktiga talare på gång. Så se till att anmäla er!